

Protect the integrity of every transaction
Track every payment transaction and reduce the risk of fraudulent activities with prevention tools. UQPAY developed in house anti-fraud engine to assist merchants in identifying suspicious transactions and prevent future recurrences to ensure both buyer and sellers can transact with ease of mind.
Automatically block fraudulent transactions from taking place while your business to collect payments with trustworthy buyers. With customized rule option, merchant define a series of anti-fraud parameters to determine if the payment transaction is considered risky and selectively submit the transactions for processing.
Prevent suspicious transactions from taking place with a list of blacklisted cards. UQPAY provide merchant with a record of cards identified and associated with fraudulent transactions that are accumulated over time by both card association and merchants.


Transaction Monitoring
UQPAY provide daily monitoring and identify suspicious transactions for further investigation and possible suspension.This dedicated service assesses account based activities which includes payments, withdrawals and fund transfers.
Payment Security
Offering the integration for a wide range of payment methods, UQPAY facilitates the option of including security protocols widely used by card networks and banking institutions to validate if the payment request is submitted by the cardholders and account holders.
Merchant Compliance
All merchants onboard with UQPAY are subjected to compliance review for merchant account and payment product applications. The KYC process include assessment on key personnel, financial and operation of the business.